Our History
The Ben Salem Presbyterian Church was originated around 1869. The formation of this church was inspired by the leadership of Reverend Worth D. Hairston, who had recently come into this area. He served the church for forty years.
Some of the charter founders were, Mr. John Jackson, Mr. Calvin Wallace, Mr. Lee Dunn. Mr. Jim Howell, Mr. Joe Bogle, Mrs. Hannah Bogle, and Mrs. Roddy White. They were faithful and visionaries. Several ministers served as leaders , they were, Rev. J.H. Gamble, Rev. H.W. Givens, Rev. Samuel Fulwood, Jr, and Rev. Jones. The services of these ministers was brief and most were supplies or stated supplies. The Ben Salem Presbyterian Church grew in grace and membership.

In 1945, the church was destroyed by a tornado, but services continued in the old Ben Salem School. These services continued under the leadership of Rev. Elo Henderson. The next structure was built by the congregation under the leadership of Rev. J.W. Smith, Jr. Rev. M.A. Cochrane and Rev. A.M. Simpson also serve devoutly for the brief periods of time.

In 1962, Rev. R.Z. Beatty came to serve the church and serve and served until his death. Rev. F.M. Beaver succeeded him during his tenure and many church ministries and organizations were developed.

In 1968, Rev. Robert Walton came to serve. He devoted 5 years to the Ben Salem congregation. During this term, the first Young Adult Choir was formed under the direction of Mr. Larry McGowan. Rev. D.G. Burke came to serve in 1973. Under his leadership, the congregation grew by thirty new members.

Reverend Calvin Hood become moderator of the Ben Salem Church after the departure of Reverend Burke. During this time, Reverend Lawrence D. Mays came to us as a stated supply and remained until his ordination, at which time he left to answer a call at another church. Their leadership qualities helped us then to continue increasing in membership.

Reverend Booton followed Reverend Hood as moderator and continued to lead the congregation until 1987, when reverend Richard McNeil was installed as Pastor. He served until 1991, after which Reverend Rogers Randall and Reverend Kenneth Stealing, followed as Moderators.
Shortly after, we were blessed to be led by the honorable Reverend John J. Evans Jr. who served as stated supply until he retired in 2009. During this time Ben Salem grew spiritually and continued to draw the interest of new member through outreach and programming.